An Interview with My Saint Joseph

Dear Friends in Christ, If you read my contact page you know that I am married to my St. Joseph. Yes, it’s true! He embodies St. Joseph in his example of humility, holiness, protection of me and our family, self-sacrifice, and desire to always do God’s will. A couple of months before Pope Francis announced this year to be dedicated to St. Joseph, my husband Will completed the consecration to St. Joseph with Fr. Donald Calloway’s book, Consecration to St. Joseph- The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. I thought it would be interesting to share with y’all his thoughts. By the way, he highly recommends the Consecration to everyone, especially men.
What did you learn about St. Joseph? I learned of his total obedience to God even though he was asked to do things that were confusing and caused him suffering. He did not complain but had total trust in God’s providence. I also learned that the Church considers him the greatest saint after our Blessed Mother and that many Saints in the Church had a great devotion to him.
Why is he important? Families are in trouble today. A large reason is that the role of fatherhood is diminished. He is a great example of fatherhood in the truest sense (protection, service, self-sacrifice). He also was the protector of Jesus, who is head of the Church. So as Patron of the Universal Church, we should ask St. Joseph to heal the wounds caused by Church scandals and to inspire great father figures in its leadership.
How can St. Joseph help you grow closer to the Lord? He can help us grow in holiness in ways that may be unique to men. We can bring our struggles to Him and he can help us to rely completely on our Lord’s Grace. Men tend to rely on their own strength to “fix things” but that is not how Grace works. God wants us to rely on His strength. We can’t be holy or true fathers of our families on our own.
Did you learn about any new traditions or prayers? In the Middle Ages, there was a drought and famine in Sicily and the inhabitants prayed to St. Joseph for help. It then began to rain and the crops grew. In honor of St. Joseph and his intercession, Sicilians annually dedicate tables to him overflowing with flowers, candles, food, and bread on March 19, which is the Feast of St. Joseph, and in Siciliy also Father’s Day! Poor families and individuals are welcomed to the table; any remaining food is given to those in need. This tradition continues in Sicily, many countries in Europe, and throughout the US. The month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph.
What would St. Joseph’s advice be today for men, women, and families? Do not fear opening yourselves completely to God’s will and do not make decisions only on the basis of avoiding suffering. Don’t be afraid to get married and it is OK for wives and husbands to have different primary roles and responsibilities. You have an essential role as a father. You have to listen carefully to hear God’s voice – it comes veiled in dreams or internal nudges of the will, not in trumpet blasts. Be humble and a servant to all.
I would love to hear your devotions, favorite prayers, or stories about St. Joseph!! Please share below in the Comment section!
Dear St. Joseph, we implore you to help us to be humble, holy, loving, and self-sacrificing like you. May you guide us as a father to your Son, Jesus. Be assured of my prayers for you!
St. Joseph patron saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers, and working people in general, pray for us!
Wow–what a joy to hear the profound things said about St. Joseph!
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Mary! I agree, we have a lot to learn from this quiet and holy Saint! God bless you!