Calling All Christian Artists
Hi, Dear Friends in Christ,
Every month I would like to spotlight a Christian artist, author, musician, photographer, or performer. If you are one or you know of someone, please contact me, I would love to shine the light on your/their God-given gifts!
I am really excited to introduce you to this month’s super talented and sweet artist: Bethany! She recently started a successful Etsy store- Violet Among Lilies. Her items are also sold in a Catholic shop and she does custom orders. In addition, her wedding invitations, called the Cana Collection are beautiful and personal.

It was a joy to interview Bethany recently. ☺
Bonnie: Hey Bethany, How are you?
Bethany: I am doing great! Thank you for featuring me! 🙂
Bonnie: First, Can you tell us what kind of artistic works do you offer?
Bethany: I make mainly religious wall art, greeting cards, coloring pages, and custom requests! I also make custom Save the Date/Wedding Invitations!
Bonnie: When did you first get interested in art?
Bethany: I have loved drawing for as long as I can remember! I have also always enjoyed experimenting with different handwriting styles which led me to get interested in calligraphy and hand-lettering. Drawing is a way for me to express myself and relieve stress. I love challenging myself to try new things!
Bonnie: Who or what has influenced your art?
Bethany: I love following other hand-lettering accounts to gain inspiration for different fonts and styles. As far as the things I actually create, I am mostly inspired by the words of my favorite saints and the desire to present them in a beautiful way.
Bonnie: That is awesome! Who are your top three Saints and why?
Bethany: Oh, it’s so hard to pick three! I would have to say:
St. Mother Teresa – I love how much she trusted in God with everything and how she saw Jesus in everyone, especially the people who were ignored and looked down upon by society.
St. John Paul II – He did a great job ministering to the youth and promoting Catholic teachings in a way that was easy for everyone to understand. He wasn’t afraid to stand up for what was good and true.
St. Jose Sanchez del Rio – He is really inspiring because at such a young age he had the courage to defend his faith and become a martyr.
Bonnie: How did you come up with the name Violet Among Lilies?
Bethany: I was trying to come up with shop names and for some reason, the name “hidden violet” kept popping into my head. Later that day I was reading St. Faustina’s Diary and she described herself as a “violet among lilies.” I had picked St. Faustina as my saint to build a relationship with for this summer and I loved the imagery of that quote so it felt like Divine Providence!
Bonnie: Wow, that is so amazing and it certainly sounds like God’s Providence!
Bonnie: What is your hope or goal with your art? Do you have some new things coming down the pike?
Bethany: I want to bring glory to God through my art! I also want to create beautiful religious items that people can share with others and display in their homes! Yes, I have some exciting things I am working on! I am creating a full coloring book as well as a planner! I would also love to make rosary holders in the future!
Bonnie: Wonderful! I am looking forward to seeing everything! Put me down for a Rosary holder! Where can folks see your lovely creations and how can they contact you?
Bethany: The link to my Etsy store is:
You can also find me on Instagram @violet.among.lilies and follow my page on Facebook!
For questions or custom requests, please email me at:
Bonnie: Thanks so much, Bethany! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!
I would like to share some inspiring summer reads with you! If you have meaningful books, movies, music, conferences you would like to share with the God is my Glue community please contact me–
The Heart of Perfection : Colleen Carroll Campbell
My Uncle Fulton Sheen : Joan Sheen Cunningham and Janel Rodriquez
Love Does: Bob Goff
May God bless and protect you and may you serve the Lord with laughter. Be assured of my prayer for you!
Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter. St. Padre Pio